Monday, 28 March 2011

We couldn't have put it better...

Here's a couple of lovely comments we've collected from our feedback cards this week. Still unsure? Come and meet and us and have a look around our fantastic central London spaces.

"Loved the venue, easy to get to. Very bright, light and airy, small rooms so you felt like a team. Staff were very friendly and informative. Great food and refreshments."

"I thought that the Venue was fantastic it was a nice size and atmosphere that made everyone feel relaxed. The lunch and refreshments were great. No complaints at all!"

"Great venue – most amazing lunch ….you couldn’t have wanted more."

"I thought the venue was brilliant! Best place I've ever had training in to be honest, it had a really friendly atmosphere, was in a great location, and the good was great."

"Very nice, amazing food! Well worth it just for the food, it’s the best venue I've ever been to on a course/workshop."

covent garden at Covent Garden, London
"Was great venue!! Really well located Good facilities and fab catering!!!"

Monday, 14 March 2011

Meet the team...

Here's some nice shots of the wallacespace team hard at work. 

From top to bottom, Joe is our Facilities Assistant and resident expert in all things I.T. related, and Lisa and Stefan are Account Managers at our St Pancras wallacespace....

Call us if you'd like to come and have a look at the space, make a booking, or if you fancy quizzing Joe on his I.T. knowledge - 020 7395 1265

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Camden Council event

Camden Council were in last week with the lovely Miffa Salter, check out the cake baked with our own fair hands! 
Miffa questioned her attendees as to what they thought of us and here is a selection of the lovely things they had to say...

"Positive energy"
"You want to be like them"
"I walk in and want to be here every day"
"Wherever you are in the building there is the same energy"
"Kick ass"
"Everyone knows their roles"
"Work together"
"Team spirit"
"Observant, approachable and flexible"
"It felt like they are happy to see us walk in"

We'd love you to come and have lunch with us and have a look around our Central London meeting spaces - email or give us a call on 020 73951265

Friday, 4 March 2011

Wednesday's taster evening

The taster evening on Wednesday was a great success, we'll have some pictures next week but for now, here's how to make a Thai Beef Salad the wallacespace way...

Simple Thai beef salad recipe

AKA posh steak and salad, this is a Thai classic that's good for 'in on your own' or to wow your friends with.  It offers great value because the steak goes much further used sliced like this in a salad and is healthy, simple and quick.  If you don't have or can't get all the right ingredients, substitute at will.  Suggestions below. This recipe serves 4 and takes about 20 mins to prepare.

8oz rump steak (don't use fillet - it's likely to get drowned out by these strong flavours)

The dressing:
2 cloves garlic
tsp black peppercorns
a chilli (hot)
1-2 tsp sugar (sweet)
1-2 tbsp lime juice (sour)
3-4 tbsp fish sauce (salt)

The salad:
1/2 a sliced red onion
3-4 tomatoes quartered
1/2 cucumber, sliced
lettuce leaves of choice

The wow factor extras:
basil (normal/ Holy or sweet)

Griddle the steak for 2-3 mintues per side depending on how rare or not you like it. Set aside to rest and yield it's juices.  Meantime, in a pestle and mortar, crush the garlic with black peppercorns to form the base of the dressing.  Then add your Big 4 Thai tastes: chilli & sugar followed by the fish sauce & lime juice.  Adjust more sweet/ hot/ sour and salt according to taste until you are happy with the balance. Experiment.

When rested, slice your steak into long thin strips and add to this all the meat juices, tomatoes and oniions. Set aside for 20-30 minutes if you have the time to allow the flavours to meld.  On a serving plate, make a bed of lettuce, cucumber and any of the 'wow factor extras' that interest you.  Lay the beef mixture with all its juices in a pile on the middle of the plate.  Finish with a few coriander leaves if you have some to spare.  Serve with steamed rice.

If you haven't got all the right stuff, improvise.  Some workable substitutions are:

Fish sauce (salt) - salt and water, soy sauce
Lime juice (sour) - lemon/ grapefruit, vinegar
Chilli (hot) - any kind - bonnets,  birds eye, big ones, small ones
Sugar (sweet) - white, brown or borrowed!

Fish sauce to lime juice proportions = 1:2